Ethics in Standards Development and Application

  • Online

This course will help you understand the role ethics plays in standards development and application as well as what questions to ask when deciding whether or not a decision is ethical.

What you will learn:

  • Explain the role ethics plays in standards development and application
  • Ask questions that help examine ethical issues
  • List options and resources you have for solving standards-related ethical dilemma

Related course:

Course length: 1 hour

Who should attend: Electrical engineer, Engineering technicians


Howard Wolfman

Howard Wolfman Photo

Howard Wolfman has been an active volunteer in the IEEE for many decades as well as having many decades of industry experience. Through his experience he has been personally exposed to ethics situations. He is the founder and principal of a consulting company and is the chairman of the board of trustees of a small municipal sanitary district. Additionally, he is an adjunct professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Publication Year: 2015

ISBN: 978-1-5090-0510-9

Ethics in Standards Development and Application
  • Course Provider: Educational Activities
  • Course Number: EDP445
  • Duration (Hours): 1
  • Credits: 0.1 CEU/ 1 PDH