IEEE Academy on Internet of Things (IoT) for the Computing Platforms
IoT computing platforms are essential to the development and deployment of IoT applications. Being naturally distributed, such applications have very challenging and diverse requirements. On one hand, they have components running on embedded devices within the physical world which are highly constrained in terms of power, computing, and communication resources. On the other, they need in many cases to operate on a very-large scale, covering large geographical areas and asked to process a huge amount of aggregate data. These requirements call for peculiar IoT software design and new computing paradigms characterized by multi-tier architectures that span across the IoT computing continuum, from tiny embedded sensors/actuators to edge/cloud backend computing platforms. Several solutions are indeed already available to developers and providers as commercial or open-source IoT platforms, which are based on interoperable computing and communication standards supporting applications in different IoT vertical domains. The learning path covers all these aspects by providing an overview of the current state-of-art and future trends on computing platforms for IoT applications.
Learning Path Length: 9 hours
Educator in Chief

Chonggang Wang, FIEEE
Chonggang Wang received his Ph.D. degree from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) in 2002. He is currently a Member Technical Staff with InterDigital Communications. His current research interests include decentralized IoT, semantic computing and services for IoT, fog computing for IoT, IoT data analytics, and advanced IoT services. He also has abundant IoT standardization experience including oneM2M, IETF, IEEE, and ETSI TC M2M. He was the co-founder (2011-2013) and the founding Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2014-2016). He is currently the Associate EiC of IEEE Transactions on Big Data and the EiC of IEEE Blockchain Technical Briefs. He is an IEEE Fellow for his contributions to IoT enabling technologies (2017).
Technical Editor

Enzo Mingozzi
Dr. Enzo Mingozzi is a Full Professor at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Pisa, Italy. His research activities span several areas including Mobile Edge/Fog Computing and the Internet of Things. He has co-authored more than 130 peer-reviewed papers in international journal and conference proceedings, 5 book chapters and 10 patents. He is currently Area Editor (Services, Applications, and Other Topics for IoT) of the IEEE Internet of Things Journal, and Technical Editor of the IEEE Academy on the Internet of Things. He has many years of experience in teaching courses related to computer networking and IoT systems in both the academia and industry.
For more information visit IEEE Academy webpage
Audience: A wide range of audience from academia, industry and public sectors. This includes researchers, professional, engineers, scientists, technicians and trainers from secondary and higher education institutions, IT companies and state organizations
Publication Year: 2021