Introduction to Embedded Linux
This video course introduces the Linux Operating System and Embedded Linux Distributions. The course focuses on the development and creation of applications in an Embedded Linux context using the Eclipse IDE. The first part of the course focuses on acquiring an understanding of the basic Linux Operating System, highlighting areas of concern for Embedded Linux applications development using Eclipse. The latter part of the course covers testing, booting and configuring of Embedded Linux systems including embedded cross-development and target board considerations.
Mike McCullough
Mike McCullough is President and CEO of RTETC, LLC. Mike has a BS in Computer Engineering and an MS in Systems Engineering from Boston University. He has held a variety of software engineering positions at LynuxWorks, Embedded Planet, Wind River Systems and Lockheed Sanders. RTETC, LLC provides real-time embedded training and consulting to many embedded systems companies. RTETC focuses on real-time operating systems (RTOS), Linux and Android solutions for the embedded systems market.
Audience: The course is designed for real-time engineers who are building Embedded Linux solutions. It is also targeted at experienced developers requiring a refresher course on Embedded Linux. This course will clearly demonstrate both the strengths and weaknesses of the Linux Operating System in Embedded Systems.
Publication Year: 2017