AI Standards: Configuring Systems for Privacy
The goals of this course are to familiarize the software engineer with key elements and concepts that can enhance privacy capabilities and safeguards in the software engineering and development process. Practical techniques are used to help the learner understand how to harness the assessment process to enhance privacy requirements and privacy-related controls. By the end of this course, you will understand how privacy assessments integrate into software engineering and software development models with an emphasis on fundamentals. Topics include understanding the elements of a privacy assessment as it relates to software engineering and development; reviewing the stakeholders in a privacy assessment and the context of that assessment as it relates to requirements development; understanding the organizational stakeholders and their roles within the execution of a privacy assessment.
What you will learn:
- Examine the elements of a privacy assessment as it relates to software engineering and development
- Review the stakeholders in a privacy assessment and the context of that assessment as it relates to requirements development
- Understand the organizational stakeholders and their roles within the execution of a privacy assessment
This course is part of the following Course Program:
AI Standards: Roadmap for Ethical and Responsible Digital Environments
Courses included in this program:
Who Should Attend: Organization-based stakeholders, senior leadership, designers, engineers, producers, suppliers and marketers who design products, services, and systems that support end user privacy and personal data. Technical staff or educators who implement educational technologies.

Matthew Silveira
Matt Silveira is the chair of the IEEE P7002 workgroup and serves on P7004 and P7005 as a workgroup member. He has served as adjunct faculty at the University of California Extension in Davis at the California State University of Extension in Sacramento and at the Los Rios Community College District teaching courses in information security, data privacy and system architecture. Currently, he is the president of Objective Business Solutions, a consulting firm that specializes in information security and privacy by design emphasizing healthcare, first responder communication systems and voting systems.
Publication Year: 2020
ISBN: 978-1-7281-7755-7