Wireless Sensor Networks

  • Online

In this video, we start by clarifying what a wireless sensor network (WSN) is and the history behind its current state-of-the-art. After presenting some examples of hardware available to implement WSNs nodes and a few indicators of the present trend of WSNs, the enabling technologies and some typical applications of WSNs are briefly addressed. The video ends with some conclusions namely related with the relation between WSNs and IoT and Big Data, and with some reading advices and a list of companies strongly involved in WSNs development.


Pedro Silva Giaro

Audience: Young Professionals, Professionals in I&M, Researchers, Students

Publication Year: 2016

Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Course Provider: Instrumentation and Measurement
  • Course Number: IMS-VT12
  • Duration (Hours): .5
  • Credits: 0.1 CEU/ 1 PDH