Basics of Microwave Filter Design: Introduction to Filter Basics

  • Online

This course will provide an introduction covering the superheterodyne  receiver, the ideal brick wall filter, and insertion loss and return  loss concepts. Additionally, approximation theory and equal ripple  functions as well as amplitude and group delay responses will be  discussed. Lowpass prototypes will be covered in this course including  Chebyshev and elliptic prototypes. The course will review the process of  finding prototype element values, frequency and impedance scaling, and  transformations to highpass, bandpass, and bandstop. Finally, unloaded Q  and loss will be discussed. In particular, Qu and volume, basic  concepts will be reviewed. Additionally, Qu for common technologies and  estimating midband loss will be discussed.

What you will learn:

  • Discuss the four basic filter types
  • Consider the filter approximation problem
  • Review filter design trade-offs

Related courses:

Who should attend: Electrical engineer, Systems engineer, Hardware engineer, Design engineer, Product engineer,  Communication engineer


Daniel G. Swanson

Daniel G. Swanson Photo

Daniel G. Swanson, Jr. received his BSEE degree from the University of  Illinois and his MSEE degree from the University of Michigan. Mr.  Swanson is currently a member of the Strategic R&D group at Tyco  Electronics (M/A-COM) where he supports filter and antenna design  efforts and consults on EM simulation issues in general. Mr. Swanson is a  Fellow of the IEEE. He is co-chair of MTT-1 (CAD) and a member of MTT-8  (Filters). He is a reviewer for IEEE-MTT Transactions, Microwave and  Wireless Components Letters, and the Int. Journal of RF and Microwave  Computer-Aided Engineering.

Publication Year: 2010

ISBN: 978-1-4244-6195-0

Basics of Microwave Filter Design: Introduction to Filter Basics
  • Course Provider: Educational Activities
  • Course Number: EDP177
  • Duration (Hours): 1
  • Credits: 0.1 CEU/ 1 PDH