Optical Wireless Communication
While the booming demands of wireless communication are quickly depleting the capabilities of radio spectrum, optical wireless communication (OWC) can offer license-free access to a wealth of spectrum in the optical domain and thus provide powerful solutions to resolve the radio spectrum crunch. This webinar will mainly address OWC for indoor applications. OWC cannot fully replace radio wireless techniques such as WiFi, but can offload large traffic loads from it and thus complement these. Envisaged OWC application domains will be discussed. Two major directions in OWC techniques will be reviewed: wide-coverage visible light communication (VLC, including LiFi), and spatially-selective beam-steered infrared light communication (BS-ILC). Moreover, techniques for wide field-of-view receivers, device localization, bidirectional hybrid optical/radio wireless systems and all-optical bidirectional systems will be discussed.
Ton Koonen
Ton Koonen (IEEE F’07, OSA F’13) has been a full professor at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) since 2001. Since 2004, he has been chairman of the Electro-Optical Communication Systems group, and since 2012 vice-dean of the department Electrical Engineering. Since 2016, he is also Scientific Director of the Institute for Photonic Integration at TU/e. Before 2001, he worked for more than 20 years in applied research in industry, amongst others in Bell Labs - Lucent Technologies. Ton Koonen is a Bell Labs Fellow (1998), IEEE Fellow (2007), OSA Fellow (2013), and Distinguished Guest Professor of Hunan University, Changsha, China (2014). In 2011, he received an Advanced Investigator Grant of the European Research Council on optical wireless communication. His current research interests are optical fiber-supported in-building networks (including optical wireless communication techniques, radio-over-fiber techniques, and high-capacity plastic optical fiber (POF) techniques), optical access networks, and spatial division multiplexed systems.
Publication Year: 2018
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