Introduction to Sustainable Development

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The term 'sustainability' has become a buzzword across many sectors in recent years. Despite the tremendous progress delivered by free market capitalism over the decades following WWII, there is a widespread recognition that the growth-obsessed economic model that underpins our global system is not without its flaws. Even as the average standard of living continues to rise around the world, there are mounting social, economic, and environmental challenges that threaten the security and stability of nations and their people. These challenges, and the paths to addressing them, are outlined in the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this course, you will learn about the SDGs, the overall need for sustainability, and how you can apply your engineering and technology expertise toward finding solutions to local development challenges. As you will soon find out, effective sustainable development takes more than just clever feats of engineering. You will need to consider a multitude of factors and perspectives when designing solutions that achieve sustained positive impacts. After completing this module, you will be well-equipped to do so!

This is the first module of the Humanitarian Technology and Sustainable Development at IEEE curriculum.


IEEE Humanitarian Technologies (HT) is a consortium of programs and initiatives—supported by a global network of volunteers and technical professionals—working together to apply technology to solve the world's most pressing problems.

In keeping with the IEEE mission of advancing technology for the benefit of humanity, IEEE HT provides the resources, partnerships, and tools for developing and deploying innovative solutions to advance sustainable development goals globally while achieving social and environmental impact locally.

For more information, visit

Audience: Volunteers who are interested in learning about sustainable development and applying their technical skills by getting involved in humanitarian and sustainable development projects.

Publication Year: 2019

Introduction to Sustainable Development
  • Course Provider: IEEE Humanitarian Activities Committee
  • Course Number: HAC001
  • Duration (Hours): 1
  • Credits: 0.1 CEU/ 1 PDH